Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Week that Was

It sort of seems like a year ago, but
it was just one week ago today (October 8th) that we were set apart as missionaries.
We are grateful for our Utah family that was able to join us and for the beautiful blessings that we received from President Skinner. 
And a big 'thank you' to Bishop Eriksson for joining our little group as well.

Next we placed our "plaque" on the missionary wall outside the Stake Offices.

After a good night's sleep (😏), Kristy dropped us off at the airport with all the stuff we are going to need for the next 12 months - and maybe a lot of stuff that we will never ever use in the next 12 months.

Next, we met up with our travel buddies Kay and Larry Brown and waited and waited and waited. You see, our plane was delayed a couple of hours, due to weather woes at Newark. But, not to worry. We were in good company.

We even got to see a fellow Morgan missionary. Good luck to cute Elder Glover on his way to Houston.

We did finally make it to Newark - barely in time to make our connection - but who's counting? Right?

Let's see, it was 1,969 air miles - 4 hours - from Salt Lake City to Newark, and then another 3,375 air miles - 6+ hours - to Lisbon. 

just like that...we were in

We were met at the airport by President and Sister Fillmore of the Portugal Lisbon Mission and President and Sister Coelho - our temple president and matron. 
Those ten hours on the plane, coupled with the seven hour time difference, were beginning to make us all a bit punchy.

We did perk up when we saw the beautiful Lisbon Temple!

And, yes, we were delighted with our apartment and I know you will be, too, but you need to hold on until next week for that. 

Até já (until then)...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you fiiiiiiiinnnnnnaaaaaalllllyyy made it! ❤️ Miss you already!!!
