Thursday, October 3, 2019

I Love to See the Temple

"It is in the temple that we remember who we really are and see with clarity who we really can become."
Jean A. Stevens

On April 22,1975, Elder Thomas S. Monson dedicated Portugal for missionary work.
“We recognize, Father, that from this land went navigators and seafaring men in days of yore and that the Portuguese people have had an adventurous spirit, as they trusted in Thee, as they looked for lands unknown,...Grant that they may trust in Thee as they now search for those truths that will lead them to life eternal.”
Thirty-five years later, during October 2010 general conference, President Monson announced a new temple to be located in Lisbon.

At that time, the Madrid Spain Temple was the closest temple, and that was a 390-mile drive from Lisbon.
(Before that, it was Frankfurt, Germany - 1,440 miles away.
Before that, it was London, England - 2,184 miles away.
And, before that, it was Bern, Switzerland - a round-trip distance of nearly 6,112 miles that required two days and a night on a bus each way.)

But all that changed 
nine years later, 
on September 15, 2019, when
 the Lisbon Portugal Temple was dedicated  by Elder Neil L. Andersen.
The theme of his dedicatory remarks focused on Portugal's  history of global discovery and likened it to Latter-day Saints going to the temple as explorers seeking to discover something greater than lands and riches.

"In this dedicated and consecrated house of the Lord, we too are explorers, searching not for new lands but for something much more precious,‘This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.’
“As disciples of Jesus Christ, we enter into this house to discover the things of eternity and to prepare us to one day travel through the veil back to our heavenly home.”

This becomes the 166th operating temple worldwide. you all...
Bem Vindo au Templo de Lisboa
(Welcome to the Lisbon Temple)

This is our temple president and his wife - Calisto and Maria Coelho.

It's been an exciting 45 year journey for the saints in Portugal. There are now over 45,000 members, 68 congregations, one mission, and four districts.

And it is bound to be an exciting one year journey for Elder and Sister McClellan as they worship and serve, explore and discover the beauties, mysteries and priceless blessings of heaven in the beautiful Lisbon Temple.

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