Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Fine Farewell

One step closer to  saying good-bye...
Our mission farewell was a rousing success.😊
We are so grateful for all the family and friends who were able to join us on September 22nd. The weather even cooperated! We counted 79 at the brunch.
 (With our mission buddies Kay and Larry Brown and the Vittorazzos from our second mission in Curitiba, Brazil - Atìlio, Raquel, André, Pedro, and Caio)

 (We were all college roommates 50 years ago! Linda, Cynthia, Sandy, and Susan)

 (The college cousins - three at BYU and three at BYUI)

(The Brothers Four)

Now, this next section is certainly not a mandatory read. I've included our talks only as a way of preserving them. 😌 I know!!

Linda's Talk

Lisbon Farewell Talk
September 22, 2019

A professor of philosophy stood before his class with some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about two inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full.

They agreed that it was full.

Next the professor picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly and watched as the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The professor then asked the students again if the jar was full.

They chuckled and agreed that it was indeed full this time.

The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled the remaining open areas of the jar. “Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar signifies your life. The rocks are the truly important things, such as family, health and relationships. If all else was lost and only the rocks remained, your life would still be meaningful. The pebbles are the other things that matter in your life, such as work or school. The sand signifies the remaining “small stuff” and material possessions.

“If you put sand into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks or the pebbles. The same can be applied to your lives. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important.”

President Dallin H. Oaks calls the small stuff the “vain things of the world” - property, pride, prominence, and power.

Stephen R. Covey, in his book First Things First, wrote:
Our priorities are the areas of our lives that are meaningful and important to us. They’re usually activities, practices, or relationships that we want to put genuine time and effort into.
President Monson gave us wise prophetic counsel when he taught: “This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this… sojourn upon earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.”
In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, Church member Jay Hess, an airman, was shot down over North Vietnam.  For two years his family had no idea whether he was dead or alive.  His captors in Hanoi eventually allowed him to write home but limited his message to less than 25 words.  What would you and I say to our families if we were in the same situation--not having seen them for over two years and not knowing if we would ever see them again?  Wanting to provide something his family could recognize as having come from him and also wanting to give them valuable counsel, Brother Hess wrote---and I quote:  "These things are important:  temple marriage, mission, college.  Press on, set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year."
We as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know what our priorities should be, but we do not have a corner on setting priorities. Listen to what Erma Bombeck, an American humorist, wrote when she contemplated what she wished she had done differently in her life: “If I had my life to live over… I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded… I would have taken time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth… I would have cried and laughed less while watching television… and more while watching life... There would have been more ‘I love yous’…more ‘I’m sorrys’… but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute…look at it and really see it… live it and never give [it] back.”
So, what matters most in your life? How does that priority influence the vision you have for your future?  Remember, you become the person your daily priorities define.
Elder Richard G. Scott, in his April 2001 conference address, taught:
Are there so many fascinating, exciting things to do or so many challenges pressing down upon you that it is hard to keep focused on that which is essential? When things of the world crowd in, all too often the wrong things take highest priority. Then it is easy to forget the fundamental purpose of life. Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people. It is distraction. He would have good people fill life with "good things" so there is no room for the essential ones. Have you unconsciously been caught in that trap? (The Ensign May 2001)
Can you see the value in identifying what matters most in your life in the long term?
It is so easy to get distracted along the way. And I must admit that I am often found off the path of what matters most.  I have always thought that I was a very good multitasker. Then someone reminded me that the word in reality means “not paying full attention to anything.” So lately I have been trying to pay closer to those things that really matter most. And what are those things?
I received my Patriarchal Blessing when I was a senior in high school. I didn’t realize it back then, but, over the years, I have come to realize that the things that matter most to me – my priorities – were all outlined in that blessing fifty-three years ago. How amazing is that?! Another amazing thing is that these priorities have become even more important to me as the years have gone by. And I have been able to set goals based on those things that matter most and on what God wants me to accomplish.
The things that matter most to me include – family, testimony, prayer, covenants, service, and never forgetting that I am a daughter of God.
These all work together. Through service and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ our testimonies grow, and through the power of the Holy Ghost, we can stay focused on the things that really matter.
I still remember the story I heard as a teenager of a boy's first experience preparing a field for planting. He knew how to run the tractor, and his father charged him with making straight rows so they could plant the corn. After a couple of rows his father stopped him and had him look at his work. The rows were not straight. The young man asked, "But Dad, how do you do it?" His father then told him to pick a post at the end of the field and head straight for it. Identifying what matters most in your life will give you a post to head toward, a guide to always have before you, to help you stay on track.
Our prophet, President Nelson, had that same thing in mind when, in a talk to BYU Students in 1984, he said:
 “. . . Track stars don’t begin a race without knowing the location of the finish line.
So, in your important race, I would plead for you to begin with the end in mind. To assist you in defining that end, I would ask you this simple question: What would you like said about you at your funeral? Or, if you were to write your own eulogy and you could have only three sentences, what would you want to say?
If it’s fair for me to ask that of you, it’s fair for you to ask that of me. If I were to write what I hope might be said about me, those three sentences would include: 
I was able to render service of worth to my fellowmen.
I had a fine family.
I evidenced unshakable faith in God and lived accordingly. . .”

Think on that for a second.  In a nutshell, these are the 3 things that our Prophet hopes that people recognize about him and his life (his priorities):  He served well, he had a fine family and that he lived his faith.  These are the objectives for his race.

On October 8th, (or there about), Don and I will embark on our third missionary adventure. This one to the new Lisbon, Portugal temple.

We probably are not the most qualified to serve over there. We speak Brazilian Portuguese – not European Portuguese. We’re not as young as we used to be. Or as sharp. But…as President Nelson has said: “Of all qualifications to serve (a mission), a desire to serve may be the most important.”
We do have a desire to serve. We are available. And we have our family’s love and support.

 Someone once said, “Point your life in the right direction and prepare to be astonished.” So here we go again. And we are especially grateful for the opportunity to serve another temple mission.
Leaving our family and friends is always a hard thing, but we trust that our Heavenly Father will watch over them.
And personally, I hope that our desire to serve another mission will be an evidence of our priorities and that our example will be a guide to our family and to all who know us.

It has been said that if we do not choose the kingdom of God first, it will make little difference in the long run what we have chosen instead of it.

The scripture we have chosen for our missionary plaque is found in……

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

This scripture comes with two admonitions, a warning, and a glorious promise. The two admonitions: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” and “in all thy ways acknowledge him.” The warning: “Lean not unto thine own understanding.” And the glorious promise: “He shall direct thy paths.”

The Lord has placed us here on earth to accomplish His purposes. Trusting in and acknowledging the Lord in our lives and seeking understanding in what He would have us do will help us achieve those things that matter most – our priorities.

Our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ live, and they are ready to listen and give us direction if we will allow them. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and we are being led by the Lord’s prophet, Russell M. Nelson. We are entitled to personal revelation for a confirmation of all of these truths, and we have a duty to live with full purpose of heart the principles defined in this Church, and then be prepared to be astonished as to where it will take us.
With all my heart I testify He lives. He loves us. His Spirit is here today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Don's Talk 
Lisbon Temple Mission

In the beginning Adam and Eve were commanded to offer up an offering unto the Lord.
Moses 5:5    “And he gave unto them commandments, that they should worship the Lord their God, and should offer the firstlings of their flocks, for an offering unto the Lord.  And Adam was obedient unto the commandments of the Lord.
:6     “And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, say:  Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord?  And Adam said unto him:  I know not, save the Lord commanded me.
:7     “And then the angel spake, saying:  This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth.
:8      “Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore.
:9       “And in that day the Holy Ghost fell upon Adam, which beareth record of the Father and the Son, saying:  I am the Only Begotten of the Father from the beginning, henceforth and forever, that as thou hast fallen thou mayest be redeemed, and all mankind, even as many as will.
:10       “And in that day Adam blessed God and was filled, and began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth saying:  Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God.
:11       “And Eve, his wife, heard all these things was glad, saying:  Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient.
:12        “And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters”.

Did you notice that the Holy Ghost bore record to Adam of what the angel said, and Adam knew in his heart that Jesus Christ was the Savior and Redeemer of the world, and through His Atonement all mankind could be saved.  Adam and Eve tried to teach these truths to their children, with very limited success.  Even with the sacrifice in front of them their posterity could not catch the connection to the infinite, ultimate, and crowning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Elder Jeffery R. Holland talked about this in our last General Conference.
Ensign May, 2019, page 45.
“Unfortunately, as a symbol of genuine repentance and faithful living, this ritualistic offering of unblemished little lambs didn’t  work very well, as so much of the Old Testament reveals.  The moral resolve that should have accompanied those sacrifices somethimes didn’t last long enough for the blood to dry upon the stones.  In any case, it didn’t last long enough to preclude fratricide, with Cain killing his brother Abel in the first generation”.
Things continued to deteriorate for the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness.  Jacob refers to the Israelites as a stiffnecked people.  The symbolism of the sacrifice pointing to Christ, and Him the redeemer of all mankind, was so lost on the Israelites that even after a thousand years of offering up their sacrifices, when the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings came among them in the flesh, they did not recognize Him, and indeed, mocked His, and ridiculed Him, and in the end, crucified Him.  The Book of Mormon helps us understand how this could have happened, as Jacob taught,
Jacob 4:14   “But behold, the Jews were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand.  Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it.  And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble”.
The law of sacrifice, once so simple, was a classic example of taking the plainness from the tribes of Israel and giving them instead things they could not understand:
Voluntary offerings                                  Mandatory offerings
Burnt offering       Grain offering         Peace offering                             Sin offering                Trespass offering
                                          Drink offering           Wave offering
                                                                              Heave offering
{{{{ The law of sacrifice was divided into two parts, the voluntary offerings, and the mandatory offerings.  The voluntary offerings were further divided into subcategories, the burnt offering, the grain offering and the peace offering.  And the mandatory offerings were divided into the sin offering and the trespass offering.  The grain offering was further divided into the drink offering, and the peace offering had two subparts, the wave offering and the heave offering. }}}}
No wonder the children of Israel were blinded and confused by all these offerings and lost sight of them pointing the Christ.

Are we any less blinded today than the Israelites were back then?  Are we able to see symbolic things more clearly?  When Christ was talking to his apostles in Jerusalem and trying to help them understand the signs of his second coming, He said:
JS Matt 1:22          “For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant”.
The “elect according to the covenant” are the members of the church, and those who have received their saving ordinances and covenants.
One of the ways to protect us against the fiery darts of the adversary in these latter days was explained by President Russell M. Nelson in our last General Conference:
President Russell M. Nelson November 2018 Ensign p 114
My dear brothers and sisters, the assults of the adversary are increasing exponentially, in intensity and in variety.  Our need to be in the temple on a regular basis has never been greater.
I plead with you to take a prayerful look at how you spend your time.  Invest time in your future and in that of your family.   If you have reasonable access to a temple, I urge you to find a way to make an appointment regularly with the Lord-to be in His holy house-then keep that appointment with exactness and joy.  I promise you that the Lord will bring the miracles He knows you need as you make sacrifices to serve and worship in His temples.
…to those who have long been absent from. The temple, I encourage you to prepare and return as soon as possible.  Then I invite you to worship in the temple and pray to feel deeply the Savior’s infinite love for you, that each of you may gain your own testimony that He directs this sacred and ageless work”

It is interesting that the Plan of Salvation is presented in the temple beginning with the creation of the world, the creation of Adam and Eve,, then the fall of Adam and Eve, then the Atonement of Jesus Christ, with the bright hope that through His Atonement all mankind may have the opportunity to return to the presence of the Lord.
This is the same sequence of the Lord’s Plan of Salvation that missionaries are using to present to Gospel to their investigators, as set forth in “Preach My Gospel”.  This is taken from the pattern that Ammon and Aaron and the other sons of Mosiah used to preach the gospel to the Lamanites, with great success.

Much of the details of the temple endowment are presented in symbolic form.  Like the parables taught by the Savior during His mortal ministry, so that those who were seeing and hearing with their spiritual eyes and ears could butndiscern the truths that He taught, so too in the temple the Savior teaches us symbolically so that when we are ready to see and hear with our spiritual eyes and ears, we are able to receive the eternal truths and the word of God taught there.

In parable form, Ezekiel likened the word of God like unto water issuing forth from the temple.  He taught us that for some walking in the water, the water coming out of the temple was only ankle deep, but as we continue to go to the temple the water becomes knee deep, and as we make regular temple attendance a habit, the water, or the word of God comes up to our hips. And when we sacrifice to go to the temple the water becomes so deep that we have to swim in it.  Some came away from the temple like as walking only ankle deep in water, or hearing and understanding the word of God.  Others come away immersed in the word of God like they were swimming in it. 

Symbolism can also be found outside the temples also.  All temples have a water feature of one kind or another somewhere around it perimeter. Pointing to Christ, a type and a shadow as the scriptures often refer to Christ as the Living Waters, and as the angel interpreted Lehi’s dream, he referred to the Tree of Life as the fountain of Living Waters

Frequent and faithful temple attendance will increase the capacity of the Saints to have the truths contained in the Temple and in the temple  Endowment revealed to them. 

On the word revelation, the Bible dictionary explains:

Bible Dictionary   Joseph Smith said, “The Holy Ghost is a revelator, and no man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations” (HC 6:58).

Continuous revelation from God to his saints, through the Holy Ghost…makes possible daily guidance along true paths and leads the faithful soul to complete and eternal salvation in the celestial kingdom.  The principle of gaining knowledge by revelation is the principle of salvation”.

The order of Heaven is such that the last holder of keys in one dispensation is the one called and assigned by the Lord to restore the keys to the next dispensation.  Thus is was that Elijah the prophet, the last prophet to hold the keys of the sealing power of the Melchizedek Priesthood before the coming of Christ, was the prophet that appeared with Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration and conferred the keys to Peter, James, and John, and again appeared with Moses to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and conferred these same sealing keys.  His coming was foretold by Malachi to the Israelites, by Jesus Christ, to the Nephites, and by the Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith.  And to the Jewish people he is still an invited guest at the Passover, for whom a vacant seat is reserved and the door is opened.  In one of the great ironies in the history of this earth, Elijah appeared to Joseph and Oliver in the Kirtland Temple, April 3rd, 1836, Easter Sunday and the Jewish Passover, and conferred these sealing keys, the very day of the Passover when the Jews were waiting for Elijah in their homes all around the world, and had been doing so for thousands of years.  Thus it is that the sealing power of the Melchizedek Priesthood is restored and these keys are now operative on the earth once again and are used in performing all the saving ordinances of the gospel for the living and dead.  (Bible Dictionary)
D&C 2:1-3   “Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood, by the hand of Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
“And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers.
“If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming”.
This prophecy was so important that it was recorded in the Old Testament, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
The Kirtland Temple is by far the smallest of the six pioneer temples.  Both in location, size, and function the Kirtland Temple stands relatively obscure. No endowments were performed there, nor indeed could be.  But its significance as far as impacting this last dispensation was eternity-shaping.  For years the purpose of the church has been stated as threefold, perfecting the Saints, proclaiming the Gospel, and redeeming the dead.  The keys for performing this work were restored in the Kirtland Temple, only one week after the Kirtland Temple dedication
“First, Moses appeared and committed the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, which is missionary work”.
Proclaiming the Gospel
“Second, Elias appeared and committed the keys of the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, which includes the restoration of the Abrahamic covenant.  President Russell M. Nelson has taught that the purpose of the covenant keys is to prepare members for the kingdom of God…
Perfecting the Saints
“Third, Elijah appeared and committed the keys of the sealing power in this dispensation, which is family history work and temple ordinances enabling salvation for the living and the dead” Elder Quentin L. Cook, Ensign May 2018, page 115.
Redeeming the Dead
Today, these three functions of the church are overseen and administered by key holders: Stake Presidents, Mission Presidents, and Temple Presidents. 
The prophet Joseph Smith prayed, in the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple the angels would go with those who issued forth from the temple.
D&C 109:22         “And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them:”
And in the dedicatory prayer of the Fortaleza temple offered just three and half months ago, Elder  Ulisses Soares prayed:
Dedicatory Prayer, Fortaleza Brazil Temple, Sunday, June 2, 2019 Elder Ulisses Soares
 “Father, we are grateful for Thy gospel restored in this dispensation through our beloved Prophet, Joseph Smith.  We are grateful for the restoration of all of the priesthood keys that permit temples to be erected to Thee and provide means so that Thy children may be blessed with eternal promises of living in Thy presence and in the presence of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, for all eternity, according to their faithfulness to the ordinances and covenants made with Thee in this holy house”.

In our day, the Lord has promised great blessing for those Saints who go to the temple frequently and regularly:
Elder Dale G. Renlund:
“…As we participate in family history and temple work today, we also lay claim to “healing” blessings promised by prophets and apostles.6 These blessings are also breathtakingly amazing because of their scope, specificity, and consequence in mortality. This long list includes these blessings:
·       Increased understanding of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice;
·       Increased influence of the Holy Ghost7 to feel strength and direction for our own lives;
·       Increased faith, so that conversion to the Savior becomes deep and abiding;
·       Increased ability and motivation to learn and repent8because of an understanding of who we are, where we come from, and a clearer vision of where we are going;
·       Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influences in our hearts;
·       Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the love of the Lord;
·       Increased family blessings, no matter our current, past, or future family situation or how imperfect our family tree may be;
·       Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives, so we no longer feel alone;
·       Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord’s help, serve others;
·       Increased protection from temptations and the intensifying influence of the adversary; and
·       Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken, or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole.9
If you have prayed for any of these blessings, participate in family history and temple work. As you do so, your prayers will be answered. When ordinances are performed on behalf of the deceased, God’s children on earth are healed.
Elder Neil L. Andersen November 2018 Ensign p 85
“The peace of the temple is a soothing balm to the wounded soul.  Return to the Lord’s house with your wounded heart and your family names as frequently as possible.  The temple projects our brief moment in mortality onto the wide screen of eternity”.

President Russell M. Nelson November 2018 Ensign p 70
“…establish a pattern of regular temple attendance.  This may require a little more sacrifice in your life.  More regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in His temple”.

Last Sunday the temple we will be serving in, the Lisbon Portugal temple, was dedicated.  In reference to temple construction and dedication President Nelson said:    
President Russell M. Nelson May 2018 Ensign p. 119
 “My dear brothers and sisters, construction of these temples may not change your life, but your time in the temple surely will.  In that spirit, I bless you to identify those things you can set aside so you can spend more time in the temple”.
In President Nelson’s  first message as President of the Church, he declared:  “Your worship in the temple and your service there for your ancestors will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path.”
And in closing, President Nelson closed last April General Conference by say:
President Russell M. Nelson, May 2019 Ensign page 111,112                                                       
 “God’s objective should be our objective.  He wants His children to choose to return to Him, prepared, qualified, endowed, sealed, and faithful to covenants made in the temple”…
“As we speak of our temples old and new, may each of us signify by our actions that we are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  May we renovate our lives through our faith and trust in Him.  May we access the power of His Atonement by our repentance each day.  And may we dedicate and rededicate our lives to serving God and His children-on both sides of the veil”.


There is a terrible ailment of pessimism in the land. It’s almost endemic. We’re constantly fed a steady and sour diet of character assassination, faultfinding, evil speaking of one another. …
I come … with a plea that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I’m suggesting that we accentuate the positive. I’m asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort.
I am not asking that all criticism be silent. Growth comes with correction. Strength comes with repentance. Wise is the man or woman who, committing mistakes pointed out by others, changes his or her course. I am not suggesting that our conversation be all honey. Clever expression that is sincere and honest is a skill to be sought and cultivated. What I am suggesting and asking is that we turn from the negativism that so permeates our society and look for the remarkable good in the land and times in which we live, that we speak of one another’s virtues more than we speak of one another’s faults, that optimism replace pessimism. Let our faith replace our fears.8
President Gordan B. Hinckley,  Teachings of the Presidents, page 70

Listen to these amazing ideas and blessing as put forth by Elder Dale G. Renlund:

“As Church members, we do have a divinely appointed responsibility to seek out our ancestors and compile family histories. This is far more than an encouraged hobby, because the ordinances of salvation are necessary for all of God’s children.4 We are to identify our own ancestors who died without receiving the ordinances of salvation. We can perform the ordinances vicariously in temples, and our ancestors may choose to accept the ordinances [or not].5 We are also encouraged to help ward and stake members with their family names. It is breathtakingly amazing that, through family history and temple work, we can help to redeem the dead.
But as we participate in family history and temple work today, we also lay claim to “healing” blessings promised by prophets and apostles.6 These blessings are also breathtakingly amazing because of their scope, specificity, and consequence in mortality. This long list includes these blessings:
·       Increased understanding of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice;
·       Increased influence of the Holy Ghost7 to feel strength and direction for our own lives;
·       Increased faith, so that conversion to the Savior becomes deep and abiding;
·       Increased ability and motivation to learn and repent8because of an understanding of who we are, where we come from, and a clearer vision of where we are going;
·       Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influences in our hearts;
·       Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the love of the Lord;
·       Increased family blessings, no matter our current, past, or future family situation or how imperfect our family tree may be;
·       Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives, so we no longer feel alone;
·       Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord’s help, serve others;
·       Increased protection from temptations and the intensifying influence of the adversary; and
·       Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken, or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole.9
If you have prayed for any of these blessings, participate in family history and temple work. As you do so, your prayers will be answered. When ordinances are performed on behalf of the deceased, God’s children on earth are healed. No wonder President Russell M. Nelson, in his first message as President of the Church, declared, “Your worship in the temple and your service there for your ancestors will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path.”10
An earlier prophet also foresaw blessings for both the living and the dead.11 A heavenly messenger showed Ezekiel a vision of a temple with water gushing out of it. Ezekiel was told:
“These waters issue out … and go down into the desert, and go into the [dead] sea … , [and] the waters shall be healed.
“And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: … for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.”12
Two characteristics of the water are noteworthy. First, though the small stream had no tributaries, it grew into a mighty river, becoming wider and deeper the farther it flowed. Something similar happens with the blessings that flow from the temple as individuals are sealed as families. Meaningful growth occurs going backward and forward through the generations as sealing ordinances weld families together.
Second, the river renewed everything that it touched. The blessings of the temple likewise have a stunning capacity to heal. Temple blessings can heal hearts and lives and families”. {close quote}
Elder Dale G. RenlundApril 2018 Ensign p 47

Following are some miracles promises and blessings given by our Apostles and Prophet just in the last two years:

“Elijah appeared and committed the keys of the sealing power in this dispensation, which is family history work and temple ordinances enabling salvation for the living and the dead”.
Elder Quentin L. Cook May 2018 Ensign p 115

“My dear brothers and sisters, construction of these temples may not change your life, but your time in the temple surely will.  In that spirit, I bless you to identify those things you can set aside so you can spend more time in the temple”.
President Russell M. Nelson May 2018 Ensign p. 119

“Beginning with the end in mind, temple covenants and family history service are becoming a purposeful part of the covenant path”.  
Elder Quentin L. Cook November 2018 Ensign p. 10

“…stand in holy places.   When we stand in holy places-our righteous homes, our dedicated chapels, the consecrated temples-we feel the Spirit of the Lord with us.  We find answers to questions that trouble us or the peace to simply set them aside”.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband November  2018 Ensign p 19

“You remember that last June, Sister Nelson and I spoke to the youth of the Church.  We invited them to enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to help gather Israel on both sides of the veil.  This gathering is “the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on the earth today”
President Russell M. Nelson November 2018 Ensign p 69

“…establish a pattern of regular temple attendance.  This may require a little more sacrifice in your life.  More regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in His temple”.
President Russell M. Nelson November 2018 Ensign p 70

“The peace of the temple is a soothing balm to the wounded soul.  Return to the Lord’s house with your wounded heart and your family names as frequently as possible.  The temple projects our brief moment in mortality onto the wide screen of eternity”.
Elder Neil L. Andersen November 2018 Ensign p 85

Now let’s turn to the topic of temples.  We know that our time in the temple is criticial to our salvation and exaltation and to that of our families.
After we receive our own temple ordinances and make sacred covenants with God, each one of us needs the ongoing spiritual strengthening and tutoring that is possible only in the house of the Lord.  And our ancestors need us to serve as proxy for them.
Consider the great mercy and fairness of God, who, before the foundation of the world, provided a way to give temple blessings to those who died without a knowledge of the gospel.  These sacred temple rites are ancient.  To me that antiquity is thrilling and another evidence of their authenticity.
President Russell M. Nelson November 2018 Ensign p 114

“Father, we are grateful for Thy gospel restored in this dispensation through our beloved Prophet, Joseph Smith.  We are grateful for the restoration of all of the priesthood keys that permit temples to be erected to Thee and provide means so that Thy children may be blessed with eternal promises of living in Thy presence and in the presence of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, for all eternity, according to their faithfulness to the ordinances and covenants made with Thee in this holy house”.
Dedicatory Prayer, Fortaleza Brazil Temple, Sunday, June 2, 2019 Elder Ulisses Soares

“For both parents and children, the temple is the best opportunity to gain a feeling for and a love of heavenly places.  That is especially true when the children are young.  Children are born with the Light of Christ.  Even a baby can feel that a temple is sacred.  Because parents love their little children, the temple represents for them the hope that they can have their children to love in their eternal family-forever”.
President Henry B. Eyring, May 2019 Ensign Page 25

“Take the long view.  What is the effect on our future of the decisions we make in the present?  Remember the importance of getting an education, studying the gospel, renewing our covenants by partaking of the sacrament, and attending the temple”.
President Dallin H. Oaks, May 2019 Ensign page 61.

“…we will be following President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel to begin with the end in mind.  For us, the end is always on the covenant path through the temple to eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God”.
President Dallin H. Oaks, May 2019 Ensign page 62.

“Love is also at the center of our temple and family history effort to gather Israel on the other side of the veil.  When we learn of the trials and hardships our ancestors faced, our love and appreciation for them is magnified.  Our temple and family history effort has been strengthened to a significant degree by the new adjustments in both the Sunday meeting schedule and the youth advancement in classes and quorums.  These changes provide for earlier and more powerful attention to learning about our ancestors and gathering Israel on the other side of the veil. Both temple and family history work are greatly enhanced”.
Elder Quentin L. Cook, May 2019 Ensign Page 78,79

“Come find love, healing, connection, and covenant belonging in Him, including in God’s holy temple, where sacred ordinances of salvation can bless all family members, thus gathering Israel on both sides of the veil”.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong, May 2019 Ensign page 98.

“Please consider how the principle of “home centered and Church support” applies to our individual preparation and worthiness to receive sacred ordinances and covenants in the house of the Lord.  Indeed, temple preparation is most effective in our homes.
“President Russell M. Nelson emphasized the vital balance between the sacred nature of temple ceremonies and the valuable information about temples published by the Church that is accurate, appropriate, and available publicly.  He explained:  “I recommend that members…read entries in the Bible Dictionary that are related to the temple, such as ‘Anoint,’ ‘Covenant,’ ‘Sacrifices’, and Temple’.  One may also wish to read Exodus, chapters 26-29, and Leviticus, chapter 8.  The Old Testament, as well as the books of Moses and Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price, underscores the antiquity of temple work and the enduring nature of its ordinances’.
Elder David A. Bednar, May 2019 Ensign page 103,104

“In the temple we can “lay aside the things of this world” and feel the Lord’s presence and His transcendent peace.  We can focus on our ancestors our families, and eternal life in the presence of the Father”.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband, May 2019, Ensign  page 109,110.

“God’s objective should be our objective.  He wants His children to choose to return to Him, prepared, qualified, endowed, sealed, and faithful to covenants made in the temple”…
“As we speak of our temples old and new, may each of us signify by our actions that we are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  May we renovate our lives through our faith and trust in Him.  May we access the power of His Atonement by our repentance each day.  And may we dedicate and rededicate our lives to serving God and His children-on both sides of the veil”.
President Russell M. Nelson, May 2019 Ensign page 111,112                                                       

Please, Father, wilt Thou bless Thy worthy Saints who come to worship here, that their faith in Thee and in Thy Beloved Son might grow and flourish.  May they receive a spiritual witness of the eternal purpose of their lives and of the ordinances they receive, and may they be faithful to the covenants and promises made before thee and Thine angels.

Dedicatory prayer offered by Elder Neil L. Andersen  for the dedication of the Lisbon Portugal Temple, Sunday, September 15, 2019, 166 working Temple.

1 comment:

  1. A blessing of moving to Idaho.....we could be here to bid you farewell!! 🤗
