Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Temple/Mission News Update

 I 💙 to see the temple...

The Lisbon Temple is now 3 years old - dedicated September 15, 2019 by Elder Neil L. Andersen!


We got a new temple president this month.

 We said our good-byes to our dear President and Sister Coelho (Calisto and Fernanda) and our 'bem vindos' (welcome) to President and Sister Tsuchiya (Edison and Manuela).

They served in the previous presidency so we already know and love them so much. We look forward to learning from them.

This week Elder Ulisses Soares visited Portugal. 

This was a special treat for the members here in Portugal and the Cape Verde Islands - an Apostle of the Lord speaking in their own native language instead of through an interpreter. (BTW, he also spoke really good English, as well.😀)

Speaking of Cape Verde, we were able to meet President and Sister Wunderli (David and Diane) of the Cape Verde Praia Mission, who flew in for the weekend.

Elder Soares had a busy, busy schedule - he toured the temple, spoke at a special youth fireside, taught the missionaries, held leadership meetings, and, of course, spoke in stake conference. He and his wife were so gracious. We loved our brief interactions with them and the others who accompanied them - Elder and Sister Carl B. Cook of the Presidency of the Seventy, Bishop and Sister C. Todd Budge of the Presiding Bishopric, and Elder and Sister Alan T. Phillips of the Europe North Area Presidency. 

The Sunday Session was broadcast to all the stakes in Portugal and Cape Verde.

The Mission Picture with Elder Soares.

Our very own temple missionary picture with Elder Soares!

Take-Aways from the various talks...
Learn how to set and achieve goals.
Get rid of distractions and focus on the Savior to do your best.
How does our focus on the Savior play a role in our purpose to accomplish our goals?
Believe more. Seek and expect more miracles.
Faith - it's just not worrying.
Enjoy the love of your Heavenly Father in your life. 
Ask for His help.
He will heal your soul when you ache.
Don't just endure to the end, but rejoice to the end.
Learn from the past. Prepare for the future. But live in the present.
In your morning prayers - ask, "Where do I need to improve? Where is faith lacking in my life?"
When the prophet speaks, the debate is over!!
Press forward.

There you have it. 
Almost as good as being there! 

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