Thursday, September 1, 2022

McMoments to Remember - June, July, and August

(The McMoments to Remember Edition)
No lazy days for these Macs. Just hazy and crazy, to be sure!!

June began with...

Birthday celebrations for both Emily (47 years old on the 1st) and Geoff (51 years old on the 2nd)

Grandma and Grandpa celebrated 49 years of 'bliss' on the 11th.

For Nathan and Kristy it was 25 wonderful years of adventure on the 13th. 

And has it really been 12 years for these two?! On the 26th.

June's activities...

...took the NJMs to Las Vegas for Esplan's basketball tournament

...the RJMs, GCGs, and David to the Gulf

...Horse Camp for Ruby

...the DARs in
to a new home

Puzzle-mania continued. Some fun to put together. Some not so fun.

the big news of the month
was this...
Christian asked Dayah to marry him and she said, "YES!"
Yay! Yay! Happy August 12th day!

Other June events not to be overlooked included...

David and Mac made quite the team in the kitchen.

Timone and Ryno joined the KJLs.

Spring sports in 'Ice Burg'.

The Morgan Marathon sure was fun - for Christian, Esplan, Sean, and Tyler.

Happy 4th of July from Utah...

Happy Birthday to Little Patrick!
He turned 1 on the 7th.

...and to Amanda - who turned 24 on the 17th.

...and to Alex on the 30th - 23 and counting.

Two years for  Alex and Amanda  on the 3rd.

And 26 years for these two on the 18th.

July's Activities...

The Aerospace Museum for the NJMs, KJLs, and DARs while everyone was still around after the 4th.

...the NJMs and KJLs ventured down to Delta/Topaz Mountain/Great Basin National Park 

...For the DARs it was Ward Camp...
...and a Rowe Family Reunion in Coeur D'Alene 

The last Hip Hip Hurray for vacations.

The DARs finally made it back to Texas...

...with a quick stop in Utah on the way home.

Ryan and Shelley made a zippy trip to Utah for Ryan's 30th high school class reunion...

 and to see their two college kids...

and play a little golf.
(With Geoff, even. Who knew?!)

Erin flew to Provo with her friend Chloe for a sibling trip.

The big news for August was the marriage of Christian and Dayah!

They sure made our house look nice!

Twenty-six years before Christian and Dayah's BigDay on the 12th, it was Ryan and Shelley's.

And then, before you knew it, it was...

Erin began her Junior Year.

Mac began 3rd Grade.

Lonely Sammy.😕

Brielle began 5th Grade.

Tyler began 9th grade - Freshman Year!

Sean began his Junior Year.

Back to School for Kimberly, too. 

Ruby began 1st Grade.

Oliver began 4th Grade.

Lincoln began 5th Grade.

Esplan began his Sophomore Year.

Finn is back for some post grad work!

For Emma - back to UVU for year # 2.

Seth on the first day of his Master's Program.

Dexter on the first day of his Pre-School Program.

Other Back-to-School people included...Alex, Amanda, Hayley, Jackson, Christian, Dayah, Michael, Dave, Shelley, and Emily.
Did I miss anyone?

The Birthday Bird found Ruby in Rexburg on the 25th. 
She turned 7.

And he made a one stop visit to Morgan on the 26th for Kristy who turned 44 and Esplan who is now 16!

And there you have it. The DOG days of McSummer 2022.
Thanks for sharing your summer with us here in Portugal.
Truly...McMoments to Remember!

Or as Christopher Robin put it...

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