Wednesday, April 27, 2022


What a beautiful day! No rain. No wind. Just sun.
A perfect day to go to the zoo.
The Lisbon Zoo (Jardim Zoológico) has been operating for over a hundred years. In fact, it's one of the oldest zoos in Europe. 

The zoo holds over 2,000 animals representing more than 350 species.

We enjoyed those cute dolphins do their thing.

The overhead cable car was also really fun. We had a great aerial view of the zoo and its inhabitants, as well as the city around the zoo.

We had a lot of company at the zoo today since it just happened to also be a national holiday.

Freedom day, Carnation Revolution, 25th of April, all of these describe Portugal’s most important national holiday. After over 40 years of fascism, on April 25th, 1974, a (peaceful) military coup led by leftist military officers known as the Carnation Revolution brought about freedom for the Portuguese. It led to a transition to democracy and the end of the Portuguese Colonial War in Africa. 
Who knew?!

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