Monday, April 4, 2022

National Tile Museum (Museu Nacional do Azulejo)

Portugal is known for its decorative tiles. 

The azulejos found throughout Portugal are painted with patterns, design motifs and scenes of life.

Walking through the Lisbon, you’ll find gorgeous tiles everywhere - on buildings, in the metro stations, inside churches - you name it! 

If you haven’t had enough of the street-side artistic decadence, you can head to the National Tile Museum.

The museum is housed in a 16th century convent.  This unique museum covers the entire history of the azulejo (hand-painted tile). The word “azulejo” comes from the Moorish word az-zulayj meaning “polished stone.”

I thought it was fascinating. However, not everyone in our group was as impressed.😄

I gave it a 👍👍 up. Some people just don't appreciate a good thing when they see it! I would go back again, but I would probably have to go by myself. HAHA

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