Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Lisboa Story Centre

This week we took another journey through time.

Lisboa Story Centre is located in the very central Praça do Comércio. 

It was a unique experience because it wasn’t a normal museum, which I had expected it to be before going in: it really was a story. When you walk in, you are given an audio guide which explains the various sections of the exhibit and detects where you’re standing as you go through. Each section represents a different period or specific event, and is displayed either through video, art, or larger than life installations.

Lisboa Story Centre map


Lisboa Story Centre ship

The flying bird was invented by Father Bartolomeu de Gusmão – Portugal's Leonardo da Vinci – as a way to walk through the air. Even today it is said that it was a vehicle that really existed, others say that it was never more than a legend. Fact or fiction...we're talking about sometime between 1709 and 1720...some 45 years before the...yes, you've got it...great earthquake!!!

This beautiful capital city really does have an incredible story. We enjoyed learning more about how it came to be, what events took place here and how the city impacted people and places around the world.

Other activities this week included...

The new Downton Abbey movie is a "must see".

Feeding the missionaries. Taco Tuesday, no less. Sister Lecke is from Florida and Sister Grow is from Mountain Green. And guess who she had for her 3rd grade teacher...that's right...Mrs. Mac. Small world, as they say. 

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