Batalha is a little town about two hours north of Lisbon. In 1385, it was the scene of the most important battle in Portugal -
the Battle of Aljubarrota.
This battle ensured the Portuguese independence of the Castilians (Spanish).

It was a real military victory, to be sure. The Portuguese were greatly outnumbered. King João l vowed that if his little army defeated the Castilians, he would build a magnificent monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary. They won. And, true to his word, King João l built the Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória.
Some say that this is the best monastery in Portugal.
It was never completed - even after working on it for 150 years.
It is a beautiful monastery!

Founder's Chapel
The tomb of King João l (1357-1433) and his wife, Queen Filipa de Lencastre (1360-1415).

Their son, Henry the Navigator, is buried here, as well.

Their son, Henry the Navigator, is buried here, as well.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
The Unfinished Chapel
And isn't this just the cutest little lamb you ever did see?!
And isn't this just the cutest little art class you ever did see?!
Their easels are pizza boxes.
Well that certainly is the cutest lamb AND art class I ever did see! :) And the monastery! Wow! Nothing like the one we stayed in for our family reunion! haha