Saturday, January 11, 2020

Get Me to the Church On Time

Our chapel is right next to the temple. (It was actually dedicated at the same time.) We are in the Sacavén Ward. The wards here are very small. Many of the members are from Brazil. (Our bishop is actually Brazilian.) Everyone is so friendly. We've already given our first Sacrament Meeting talks telling a little bit about ourselves - and from me that was all they got - just a little bit! 

Three wards meet in this building. Our ward meets at 9:00.

The pictures in both the church and temple are so beautiful - some I have not seen before. I just have to share them (the ones in the church, at least) with y'all.

And lastly...
I love to see the temple - especially at the different times of day. One evening as we were leaving, we turned around and were treated to this sight...

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful buildings! And how great that it is right there by the temple. I love those paintings!
