Monday, March 27, 2023

One Last Jaunt

 We were anxious to return home to friends and family, but we also couldn't resist the opportunity to take one last jaunt around Europe. 

We wanted to visit three more temples and also see some things we had not seen before.
First Stop...
The London Temple

Next Stop...
The Preston Temple

Stop #3...
Edinburgh, Scotland
No temple, but they did have a really nice castle!😊

Don eating his haggis.

Last Stop...
First to the Rome Temple.

As for the rest of Italy...
We loved visiting these 'been there, done that' places as well:

The Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

The Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill

The Pantheon, Spanish Steps, and Trevi Fountain

Pompeii, Amalfi Coast, and Positano

Florence and Pisa

It was a wonderful five days!

The final leg of our journey took us from Rome to Lisbon to Paris to Salt Lake City.
Boy, were we tired!!
Our welcoming committee

Our Sunday group

Amen and Amen
The End