Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Month Unlike Any Other

It seems only fitting that I should document this past month somewhere
After our two weeks of quarantine, we became 'shelter at homers' - which is not much different, except that you can leave home periodically for groceries, mail, walks, drives - but mostly you're pretty isolated from the world. 
We are now living in our own version of 'Groundhog Day'.
Since a picture is 'worth a thousand words', I'll save myself the bother of writing those words and just post the pictures. 😁
(These thoughts and pictures occur randomly - which is pretty much how I have been coping! Ha)

We were released from our mission - via ZOOM - two weeks after getting home. 

Games, puzzles, and chocolate have kept us going!

One night we were even 'egged' and TPd'.

We survived a snowstorm and an earthquake.

Director of University of Utah Seismograph Stations talks about ...

We have truly enjoyed our Sunday Family Devotionals!!

General Conference was just what President Nelson said it would be - unforgettable!
Nelson unveils a new symbol for LDS Church, calls for another global fast to seek relief from COVID-19
Wonderful talks, a new symbol, Solemn Assembly with Hosanna Shout, a proclamation in honor of the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s First Vision, titled “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World," and eight new temples.

We participated in a worldwide fast on Good Friday.

We celebrated Easter as we had never done before.
(Who stays home on Easter Sunday, anyway!?)

We did venture up to Logan for haircuts last week. Thanks, Sandy!!

Did I mention that we have been putting together A LOT of puzzles?!

We actually brought this one home with us from Portugal. 

How true!

Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
My observations from Quarantine 2020 (thus far)... 
We are slowing down!!!
We are being refined, taught, and tutored and we are learning things that could not have been taught any other way.
All schools are closed and homeschooling has commenced, more or less.
We've been told to self-distance. In fact tape has been  placed of the floors in grocery stores to help distance shoppers (6 ft) from each other.
But social distancing doesn't mean social isolation! So we are doing more phone calls and Messaging.
Non-essential stores and businesses are closed. (Oh, thank heaven for Amazon!!)
Parks, trails, and entire cities are locked up.
Entire sports seasons have been cancelled - as well as concerts, festivals, entertainment events, weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings, churches, and temples.
We are not supposed to socialize with anyone outside our own homes.
There is a shortage of masks, gowns, and gloves for our front-line workers.
There are not enough ventilators for the critically ill.
Shelves in the grocery stores are bare. 
You can't find TP, hand sanitizer, paper towels.
There are daily updates updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Barely anyone is on the roads. They say that we are getting 3 weeks to a gallon of gas!
People are wearing masks and gloves outside. 
Each person in the USA was issued a $1200 stimulus check.
Facebook is alive with postings of how we are coping, surviving, learning from, and connecting with each other. I am so impressed!!
It's amazing how quickly God has unified all of His children!!

They say history repeats itself. This poem is very applicable to our situation today. Hopefully, we can learn from it as well. 

I'm not sure if there is an end in sight at this time, but...
For now all we can do is...
Hang in there...
Have faith...

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Até Nos Encontrarmos Novamente (Until We Meet Again)

It's hard to put into words the events (and feelings) of this past week. 
One day, it's 'same ole, same ole', and the next thing we know, it's, "Because of the Coronavirus, all American Senior Couples serving in Europe will be returning to the United States ASAP."

Brother Alves brought us the word from President Coelho and President Fillmore.

What to do next?
Our little world had turned upside down.
We still had our assignments at the temple for one more day. We had to pack, give stuff away, say our good-byes, repack, use up our metro passes (ha), spend all our Euros, and so much more!
I think the hardest part was not being able to say good-by to all our friends. It felt so incomplete. 

This puzzle didn't get completed.

Filipa stopped by - and took lots of food off our hands. 

Good-by to our dear little temple. We sure do love you! Our time here ended way too soon!

You are truly one of my favorite cities - ever!!

We were supposed to be packing for our 'little jaunt' (a journey taken for pleasure) to Paris, Switzerland, and Spain during our temple closure - not to return to the United States!

Nevertheless, on the morning of Sunday, March 15, we found ourselves headed to the airport - not to Paris, as planned, but to New York City.

Last chance for a tin of bacalhau, sardines, octopus, ...

At the airport we met up with some of the other 20 American couples (plus some Sisters) leaving Portugal.

Sister Brown, Sister Marriott, and Sister McClellan used the layover time at JFK wisely by eating salads from Wendy's. 

And so, 5,116 miles and 18 hours later, we arrived in SLC.
Kimberly and her children were there to pick us up. (Keeping their distance, of course.)

Home Again, Home Again!

Thanks to Kristy and Kimberly, we have plenty to eat.

And how is our two week quarantine working for us, you may ask?

Four days and counting...

Our granddaughter, Emma, received her mission call this week. She will serve in the SLC Temple Square ASL Mission.
Beginning May 20, 2020.
The Work of the Lord continues!✌

So, that was the week that was. 
What the future holds, we know not. 
In these times of uncertainty, I am thankful for a living prophet to guide and direct us as we come unto Christ. 
We love you, President Nelson!